Social Security, Roth Conversions, Taxes, CRTs, Beneficiaries, and MYGAs: Q&A #2403

January 20, 2024

Jim and Chris discuss listeners questions relating to Social Security, Roth conversions, taxes, CRTs, beneficiaries, and MYGAs.

(2:45) A Texan listener looks for clarification on a Social Security spousal benefit for someone not living in the US, marrying someone who is not a US resident.

(10:15) George from Massachusetts asks about converting after-tax dollars and the taxes on Roth conversions.

(23:45) George from Pennsylvania mentions the possibility of using a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) as a beneficiary for an IRA.

(29:15) George in California provides some input on making sure to select an attorney with specific knowledge when constructing Trusts, legal documents, etc.

(48:30) A listener in Massachusetts wonders about a multi-year guaranteed annuity (MYGA) within an IRA and how distributions are treated with regard to RMDs.

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