Social Security, 529/Roth Conversions, and HSAs: Q&A #2411

March 16, 2024

Jim and Chris discuss listener questions relating to Social Security, WEP, GPO, 529 conversions, HSAs, and Roth conversions.

(5:30) A listener from Ohio asks about a unique Social Security survivorship scenario relating to children under a different legal guardianship.

(13:15) A Michigan listener looks for clarification on when his wife can begin claiming a spousal Social Security benefit.

(16:30) A listener in Colorado wonders if her PERA pension will affect her husbands Social Security benefit at her passing.

(25:45) The same Ohio listener from question 1 asks for a basic 101 description of WEP and GPO.

(33:45) George from Pennsylvania asks if the owner of a Roth IRA can make a contribution in the same year as a 529 conversion comes into the Roth account.

(41:30) A listener in New Hampshire wonders if he can roll funds from a pre-tax IRA into a 529 plan.

(47:00) Georgette provides some commentary on folks who may be using HSA accounts for personal spending rather than qualified healthcare expenses.

(58:45) A listener in Pennsylvania looks for advice on whether or not to continue his pre-tax 401(k) contributions while also doing Roth conversions.

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