Medicare, Fraud Awareness, Social Security Survivorship, Pensions, and RMDs: Q&A #2409

March 2, 2024

Jim and Chris discuss listener questions relating to Medicare, fraud awareness, Social Security survivorship, pensions, and RMDs.

(Intro) Jim and Chris begin the show with a clarification from the Wednesday’s EDU show of prohibited transactions completed inside an IRA and whether or not SECURE Act 2 impacted the previous prohibited transaction rules.

(14:45) George from Texas provides a helpful PSA letting listeners know when to expect Medicare to reach out with info on upcoming cost and eligibility.

(19:30) Georgette from Texas gives a insightful PSA on her custodian reaching out to make her aware of some suspected larger, fraudulent IRA distributions.

(28:45) An Ohio listener asks if his wife will be eligible to receive a Social Security disability benefit based on their current ages.

(34:15) George in Pennsylvania looks for clarification on any special Social Security considerations when the primary earning spouse passes away early before peak earnings.

(41:00) A listener in Ohio looks for some insight on private equity based insurance companies buying up company pensions.

(1:04:00) A listener from Georgia asks for some help with determining the late RMD penalty for her aunts estate accounts.


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